Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 99

volume Number : 17
number In Volume : 5
issue Number : 99

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17، number In Volume 5، ، issue Number 99

Examining the most important methods of explaining oppression and justice in Parvin Etesami's court

Negin Khanmohammadi Ataghsara , Abdullah Hassanzadeh Mirali (Author in Charge)


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: oppression and justice have always been together in history and have been reflected not only in the context of human life, but also in literary and artistic works. Not only the epic, mythological, admonitional, moral and sustainable literature is full of stories of oppression and justice, but Persian lyrical and romantic literature is also not devoid of these themes and it is only the oppressor who turns his face and turns into an indifferent and intolerant lover. Parvin Etisami is one of the leading poets of the contemporary era, who is in the transition from the constitutional era to the new era of Iranian history. He saw the rapid changes in Iran and the shortcomings and imperfections of the Iranian society, some of which were specific to his era, while others were ancient and common throughout the ages and inherent in human life, and he reflected them in his poetry. In order to reflect insurances and hopes, oppression and justice in his poetry, he chose methods that had a long history in Persian literature, but Parvin proved once again the effectiveness of these ancient methods with mastery combined with simplicity and sincerity. Clarity in criticism and ambiguity in attribution, allegory, debate, allusion, revitalization and dualization are among these methods. Parveen also added a tenderness to her expression that is unique to her and is the result of her feminine spirit. In this research, the ways of explaining oppression and justice and drawing the faces of the oppressors and the righteous in the poetry of Parvin Etisami are discussed.

METHODOLOGY: The current research is descriptive and analytical and based on library studies. The basis of the research is Parvin Etisami"s Diwan with an introduction by Malek Al-Shaarai Bahar, and to select examples and evidence, all the Diwans have been examined.

FINDINGS: Contrary to the opinion of some critics, Parvin is a critical poet, although he cannot be considered a revolutionary poet. In his criticisms, he deals a lot with the subject of oppression and justice. His most important technique in explaining the duality of oppression and justice is frankness in criticism and ambiguity in attribution. Other methods he uses to explain injustice and justice are to keep the umbrella of ambiguity over his poetry. To provide and guarantee this ambiguity, he makes ample use of debate and allegory, and debate and allegory in his poetry, when one side is inhuman, inevitably leads to recognition. Also, in order to provide ambiguity in attribution, Parvin uses allusions and attributes his frank criticisms to historical figures. Sharp dichotomy is a lot to highlight the duality of injustice and justice in his poetry.

CONCLUSION: Parvin Etisami"s poetry is a mixture of morals, emotions and imagery, which he created with mastery while following the poetic style of the ancients, creating a modern poetic product suitable for today"s conditions. Relying on allegory and debate and choosing the format of the poem as the most important form of his poetry, he has reflected on the present and the day of the Iranian people in one of the most dangerous periods in the history of Iran. Parveen Etisami, as a woman and following the tradition of veiling in classical Persian poetry, speaks in a veil in many debates. Also, in his view, oppression is not necessarily human and may be cosmic.

Parvin Etisami , expression , oppression , justice , allegory , debate.

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